Monday, January 17, 2011


I haven't been organized enough lately to put together a blog post about anything specific. So, I will share some random tidbits with you. You're welcome.

This evening, Children A and B were having a discussion in the van. I was sort of tuning them out and wasn't paying any attention, but A's comment brought me a laugh, "No, I think the dance you are thinking of is called The Mango."

This week we are celebrating my baby's birthday. She'll be 5. Over the weekend she shared that she wants a real dinosaur for her birthday; one that will eat her sisters and then spit them out again when she wants it to. Today she reminded me, "Remember, Mom? You're getting me a dinosaur. Remember?"

I can't believe she will be 5. She has 2 loose teeth already. She's Child C and she is stubborn and funny and loving and stubborn. She won't wear clothes most of the time. Well, not "real" clothes. It's been 20 degrees lately and she wears a swimming suit with footless tights or a leotard with footless tights, or a tank top, short skirt, and footless tights. And open-toed shoes. She lost those shoes at church last week. We looked all over for them and couldn't find them anywhere. She had to leave barefoot. Hubby carried her. We found them this weekend.

Did I mention she cut her hair in December? All the way around. She followed the natural hair line, so at least it wasn't super short. But it's shorter than it was.

See the dresser behind her? There are 2 of them right next to each other. Yeah, she pulled both over just a couple days after I read about a fellow blogger whose son died when a dresser fell on top of him. It freaked me out. Child C is getting more supervision now days. (Warning: That link shares the details of what happened to Dana's son. When I say my daughter needs more supervision, I am not at all saying that Dana wasn't providing adequate supervision. Just that my daughter cutting her hair and then pulling the dressers over indicate to me that she needs more supervision. What happened in Dana's house could have happened in any one of our houses and is just a tragedy.)

Child B has been out of occupational therapy now for 7 months and is doing well. She still has bad sensory days now and then, but she was able to tolerate a dental cleaning and cavity filling without her sensory tools. (I still brushed her in the waiting room, but I had left a few other tools at home by mistake.) She handled it very calmly and did not panic, which is HUGE. I am so proud of her with all the progress she has made! She decided she would like to play softball like Child A, so we will have a full schedule this spring.

That's it for now. I'm sure I'll have more random later.

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