Monday, June 28, 2010

Not Me Monday: Peanut butter and swim suits

If you're new to Not Me Monday, MckMama started it in order to humorously admit some of her imperfections and share some moments that happen to most of us, but are rarely talked about. It's funny and enjoyable and I encourage you to read on and then hop over to her site for more Not Me Mondays.

I did not try every single day last week to transfer my pictures from my camera to my computer. In doing so, every time I plugged the camera in, the computer did not fail to recognize my camera. I did not say I would have the first post from our vacation up today and then not be ready because of this small issue with the camera. It is not driving me crazy!

We did not spend Saturday trying to get the house picked up and welcoming for when someone drops by unexpectedly. This is not a huge task, because we always put things in their place and everything has a place to be put (ahem,a little more space would be nice). While moving some things around, I did not find green gum smashed into the carpet, strategically hidden behind a plant. My kids would never do this because they know gum always goes in the trash when they are finished chewing it. Further, they would never sneak gum and then feel the need to hide it to avoid being caught. Nope, not my kids. They are much more obedient than that. *

I did not also find peanut butter smeared at the base of the bathroom door. My kids always eat in the kitchen or dining room and don't carry food around the house. They certainly know better than to smear peanut butter somewhere other than bread! *

And finally, we did not have a graduation party to go to Sunday evening at a local water park that the kids have just been dying to go to. When it was time to go, I did not look in the bag of swimming essentials and ask Child B where her swimming suit was. No, I hadn't told her several times already to put it in the bag. She did not finally go look for it, as we should be walking out the door. She did not find the top and bottom in two different rooms. We did not get the party and only find the top piece in the bag and have to go back home for the bottom half. We did not find it in her bedroom doorway.

That's it for this week. To find out what others aren't up to, hop on over to MckMama's for more Not Me Mondays.

Hopefully my camera and computer will cooperate very soon and I can get my vacation posts up.

* Chances are good that the culprit in these incidents is 4-year old Child C. Sweetheart that she is, don't underestimate her ability to be devious.


  1. I HATE when the camera or computer software doesn't do what I want it to do!!!

    It's a shame that peanut butter didn't make its way over to the gum spot... I've heard pb is a great way to get gum out / off of things!!

    (PS: "TCB" just means "takin' care of business". :-)

  2. LOL about the gum and peanut butter. When my kids do stuff like that I ask myself'what were they thinking?!"' :)
